
Here's helpful information and appropriate resources to help guide you through the 1098-T process. If you have specific questions regarding your personal tax filing and the 1098-T, contact your tax professional.

Form 1098-T is a tax form GMercyU is required to file with the IRS for each eligible student. The institution has to report a form for every student that is currently enrolled and paying qualifying tuition and related expenses.

You could receive a 1098-T form if you were a student taking any course(s) for credit during the Spring, Summer and/or Fall semesters of the tax year. You could also receive a 1098-T form if you were charged for any course(s) for Spring semester prior to December 31. You will not receive a 1098-T form if qualifying tuition and expenses are paid entirely with scholarships and grants.

Gwynedd Mercy University generates 1098-T forms based on the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses that occurred between January 1 and December 31.

For example: If you registered for the Spring semester between these dates, the amounts billed and paid for tuition and qualified expenses will appear on this year's 1098-T. Grants and Scholarships applied to your account after December 31 will appear on next year’s 1098-T. Again, only those charges that are 1098-T eligible as well as grants and scholarships that were posted to your account between January 1 and December 31 will appear on this year's 1098-T. These can easily occur in two separate tax years.

Qualified tuition and related expenses are considered the required student enrollment tuition and fees. Personal expenses such as room and board, student health insurance, medical expenses, and transportation are not considered qualified expenses even if the payment of such fees is required for enrollment purposes. Per IRS instructions for 1098-T Form, educational institutions do not have to file form 1098-T if qualified tuition and expenses (Box 1) are entirely waived or paid entirely with scholarships and grants (Box 5). Remember, calculations are based on the entry date of the charges for your qualified tuition and expenses as well as the entry date of the posting of your scholarship or grant. These can easily occur in two separate tax years. Please contact your tax consultant for further clarification of qualified expenses.

GMercyU uses a secure vendor, Heartland ECSI, to process and mail your 1098-T forms by January 31. Please know the University does not have copies of student’s 1098-T documents.

GMercyU will mail your 1098-T Form to your home address as listed in our system as of the January the forms are prepared. If you have recently moved, please make sure to update your address on the Registrar’s webpage, through the Change of Name/Address Form.

Gwynedd Mercy University has partnered with Heartland ECSI, to generate your 1098-Tax Form. Please know the University does not have copies of these documents.

See these directions to obtain and print your 1098-T tax form. (PDF)

If you have any issues or have questions, please call Heartland ECSI at 866-428-1098, as the University does not have copies of your documents.

You can sign up now to automatically receive next year's 1098-T form electronically. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the web form. Once GMercyU creates the form you will receive an e-mail that the form is available and you can print a copy for yourself, your parents and your tax advisor anytime you choose, and as often as needed.

Gwynedd Mercy University cannot determine if you are eligible for either of the available tax credits or the amount of credit for which you may qualify. Please consult your tax advisor or IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Higher Education, for more information. This publication may be downloaded and printed from www.irs.gov. The IRS offers free forms, publications, and other information at each local IRS office and by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.

If you need a replacement copy for tax years 2011 through 2016 email studentbilling@yilunjianshe.com. Please include the tax year(s) needed, your full name, date of birth and last 4 digits of your social security number. If the replacement 1098-T you need is from the 2017 tax year and up, you can print it electronically through the Heartland ECSI website, by following the instructions above